The Problem with Pedals

by Greg Davis, President, CEO and Founder, Vectus Sport

As part of my research for the VFS-10 Fitness Series pedals, designed for stationary, spin and recumbent bikes, I’ve talked to a lot of individual users, as well as gym and fitness center managers.  And I found—perhaps not surprisingly—that the pedals used on these bikes generate far more complaints than anything else.  Whether it’s because the pedals are too complicated, too specialized, or too inefficient, users want a better solution.

Take clipless pedals.  Bikes that use this solution require a special pair of shoes with cleats on the bottom that clip into the pedal, allowing a full 360-degree push-and-pull stroke.  While highly efficient, for those unfamiliar with the process, clipping in is an acquired skill.  To unclip, the user must twist their foot about 45 degrees to release the binding; if the clips are new or tight, this can be extremely difficult.  In fact, many users I spoke to resorted to removing their feet from their shoes and then wrestled the shoes from the bike with their hands.

Discounting the problems with clipping in and out, the shoes represent a significant investment for every individual rider.  The metal cleats on the bottom of the shoes can scuff or scratch wood and tile floors at home.  And for those with time constraints, having to constantly change into and out of special riding shoes impose unacceptable delays.

Straps and baskets aren’t much better.  Gyms and fitness centers are constantly replacing broken baskets.  Users need to adjust the straps to fit their foot, whether in the gym or at home where multiple riders share a bike.  It’s a time-consuming process that is even less appealing in the age of COVID.

Flat pedals can accommodate any foot or shoe, but they can’t offer the full 360-degree stroke, meaning riders only get half the workout offered by clipless pedals and straps/baskets.  

Vectus is the Answer

The Vectus VFS-10 Fitness Pedal with True-Release® technology addresses each of these issues.  By lowering a padded cuff over the rider’s foot, the pedal ensures a secure, safe and comfortable fit. 

The cuff provides the same 360-degree push-and-pull stroke as clipless pedals—without physically locking you to the bike.  When you’re ready to ride, just slip your foot in and start pedaling; the VFS-10 automatically adjusts to each user, with a spring-loaded mechanism ensuring a snug fit.

When you’re done, just slip your foot out the back or side—no special technique required to dismount.  And because the VFS-10 works with any shoe, any size, you don’t have to change anything.  You can wear the same pair of shoes for your entire workout, whether at home or in the gym.

To learn more about the VFS-10 pedals, please visit

The Origins of Vectus Sport
by Greg Davis, President, CEO and Founder, Vectus Sport